Environmental Assessments and Public Notices

Public Notices
NEH is required to engage in appropriate levels of public involvement for federal actions that require compliance under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), EO 11988: Floodplain Management, EO 11990: Wetlands Protection, and EO 12898: Environmental Justice.

Public Notice Final EA and FONSI CHA-264405 Florida International University
Public Notice Draft EA and Floodplain CHA-264405 Florida International University
Public Notice Final EA and FONSI CHA-268798-20 Lower Phalen Creek Project
Public Notice of Draft EA and Draft FONSI CHA-268798 Lower Phalen Creek Project 
Public Notice of Draft EA and Draft FONSI CHA-276805 Garnet A Wilson Main Library 
Public Notice of Final EA and Draft FONSI CHA-276805 Garnet A Wilson Main Library

Public Notice of Draft EA and Draft FONSI for CHA-286600 Northwest Indian College
Public Notice of Final EA and Final FONSI for CHA-286600 Northwest Indian College
Public Notice of Draft EA and Draft FONSI for CHA-286624 Mont Vernon Public Library Charitable Foundation
Public Notice of Final EA and FONSI CHA-286624 Mont Vernon Public Library Charitable Foundation

Public Notice of Draft EA and Draft FONSI for CHA-296061 Historic Hudson Valley
Public Notice of Final EA and FONSI CHA-296061 Historic Hudson Valley 
Public Notice of Draft EA and Draft FONSI for CHA-268762 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
Public Notice of Final EA and FONSI CHA-268762 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum

Final Environmental Assessments
An Environmental Assessment (EA) is prepared for certain NEH projects to meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). An EA is a concise public document that provides evidence and analysis for determining the extent of the impacts of a proposed action and reasonable alternative actions. NEH uses the findings in an EA to determine whether to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) or a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

Final EA CHA-264405 Florida International University
Final FONSI CHA-264405 Florida International University
Final EA for CHA-268798 Lower Phalen Creek Project
FINAL FONSI CHA-268798 Lower Phalen Creek Project
FINAL EA CHA-276805 Garnet A Wilson Main Library
FINAL FONSI CHA-276805 Garnet A Wilson Main Library
Final EA CHA-286600 Northwest Indian College
Final FONSI CHA-286600 Northwest Indian College
Final EA CHA-286624 Mont Vernon Public Library Charitable Foundation
Final FONSI CHA-286624 Mont Vernon Public Library Charitable Foundation
Final EA CHA-296061 Historic Hudson Valley
Final FONSI CHA-296061 Historic Hudson Valley
Final EA CHA-268762 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
Final FONSI CHA-268762 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum


Draft Environmental Assessments
Draft EA CHA-264405 Florida International University 
Draft FONSI CHA-264405 Florida International University
Draft EA CHA-268798 Lower Phalen Creek Project
Draft FONSI CHA-268798 Lower Phalen Creek Project
DRAFT EA CHA-276805 Garnet A Wilson Main Library
Draft FONSI CHA-276805 Garnet A Wilson Main Library
Draft EA for CHA-286600 Northwest Indian College
Draft FONSI for CHA-286600 Northwest Indian College
Draft EA CHA-286624 Mont Vernon Library Charitable Foundation

Draft FONSI CHA-286624 Mont Vernon Public Library Charitable Foundation
Draft EA CHA-296061 Historic Hudson Valley
Draft FONSI CHA-296061 Historic Hudson Valley
Draft EA CHA-268762 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum
Draft FONSI CHA-268762 Georgia O’Keeffe Museum