
NEH Announces New Fellowships Open Book Awards 

June 15, 2020

The NEH Office of Digital Humanities and the Division of Research Programs are pleased to announce twelve awards through the inaugural round of the Fellowships Open Book Program, a special initiative for scholarly presses to make recent monographs freely available online. 

The books that will be made available through this award range from studies of literature and history to musicology and sociology, and were all written with previous support from one of several NEH fellowship programs.  

During a time when so may of us are doing research remotely, the value of digital editions like these that can be freely accessed from anywhere in the world is more apparent than ever. 

All awardees will receive $5,500 per book to support digitization, marketing, and a stipend for the author. 

The first round of the Fellowships Open Book Program had a 92% success rate. The next deadline is August 17, 2020. To learn more or to apply, see the Notice of Funding Opportunity

Duke University Press 

Max M. Ward, Thought Crime: Ideology and State Power in Interwar Japan, 2019. [Original research funded by award FO-232742-16] 

David F. Garcia, Listening for Africa: Freedom, Modernity, and the Logic of Black Music's African Origins, 2017. [Original research funded by award FA-57676-14] 

Indiana University Press 

Martin L. Johnson, Main Street Movies: The History of Local Film in the United States, 2018. [Original research funded by award FA-58514-15] 

Johns Hopkins University Press 

Richard C. Sha, Imagination and Science in Romanticism, 2018. [Original research funded by award FA-56408-12] 

Jason R. Rudy, Imagined Homeland: British Poetry in the Colonies, 2017. [Original research funded by award FA-54989-10] 

The University of Chicago Press 

Julia L. Mickenberg, American Girls in Red Russia: Chasing the Soviet Dream, 2017. [Original research funded by award FA-5576111] 

Kenda Mutongi,  Matatu: A History of Popular Transportation in Nairobi, 2017. [Original research funded by award FB-56100-12] 

Kristine C. Harper, Make It Rain: State Control of the Atmosphere in Twentieth-Century America, 2017. [Original research funded by award FB-53252-07] 

University of Illinois Press 

Jewel A. Smith, Transforming Women’s Education: Liberal Arts and Music in Female Seminaries, 2019. [Original research funded by award FA-53416-07] 

University of Michigan Press 

Jonathan W. Stone, Listening to the Lomax Archive: The Sonic Rhetorics of Folksong in the 1930s, forthcoming. [Original research funded by award FEL-258129-18] 

University of Minnesota Press 

Whitney Trettien, Cut/Copy/Paste: Echoes of Little Gidding, forthcoming. [Original research funded by award FEL-263057-19] 

Vanderbilt University Press 

Luis Martin-Estudillo, The Rise of Euroskepticism: Europe & Its Critics in Spanish Culture, 2018. [Original research funded by award FA-58154-15]