Networking Archaeological Data and Communities


Virtual and UC Berkeley, CA



January 21, 2023- November 16, 2024



Digital data increasingly inform how communities understand the present and past. To make these understandings more democratic and accountable, the scholarly community needs to make data, and the skills and knowledge to make sense of data, more broadly accessible. Networking Archaeological Data and Communities builds on our achievements in archaeological data publishing and data literacy instruction by providing professional development for archaeologists who represent and serve diverse communities.  

Format: In virtual meetings and in-person workshops, participants will bridge theoretical and practical aspects of data. The program is organized around four semesters devoted to specific themes: The Data Management Lifecycle (Spring 2023), Data for Professional Communication (Fall 2023), Data for Diverse Publics (Spring 2024), and Data for the Classroom (Fall 2024). Each semester includes three or four online, synchronous workshops, scheduled on weekend days. 

In addition to these online workshops, the institute will host two, in-person, multi-day summer programs (in July 2023 and 2024) at the Archaeological Research Facility at UC Berkeley. These programs will give participants opportunities for in person collaboration, learning, and networking with other institute participants and core team members. Furthermore, these programs will help cultivate a sense of community and accountability among participants. 

Funding Information: Details about the Grant 

Project Director(s)

Leigh Anne Lieberman