Funding Opportunity for


Awards for Faculty Institutional Support – HBCUs and TCUs

Maximum award amount

$2,500 per month (fixed rate full-time equivalent), up to $30,000 (dependent on the NEH Awards for Faculty fellow’s work plan and period of performance)

Expected output

Faculty/Staff Stipend or Short-term Hire

Period of performance

12 months full-time equivalent.

If you receive a "Bad Request" message when you apply, it is possible that your assigned role in does not give you the correct permission. See Grants Management Policy and Guidance for Awards to Organizations | The National Endowment for the Humanities ( for more information.

The Awards for Faculty Institutional Support – HBCUs and TCUs Program is a limited competition designed to support institutions that have one or more faculty or staff member(s) who have been awarded one of the following NEH awards for individuals in federal fiscal year 2024:    

This program strengthens the capacity of HBCUs and TCUs to support humanities research on their campuses by providing funding to offset costs associated with the Awards for Faculty fellow’s temporary leave or reduced course load. Funds may be used to hire replacement instructors for humanities courses that the Awards for Faculty fellow would normally teach. If the fellow’s regular duties include administrative roles for which they receive a course release (such as undergraduate advising or chairing a humanities department), funds may also be used to offset those costs. 

This program utilizes a streamlined application process. There are two proposal deadlines per year: February 1, 2024 and May 1, 2024. 

NEH will provide funding at a fixed rate of $2,500 per month (full-time equivalent), up to $30,000. The fixed rate is pro-rated to correspond to the Awards for Faculty fellow’s NEH period of performance and regular institutional load.  


Application Instructions

Step 1 Review your application package

Read the Notice of Funding Opportunity to ensure you understand all the expectations and restrictions for projects delivered under this program and are prepared to write the most effective application.

Application materials

Notice of Funding Opportunity application package


Step 2 Register for a SAM number and an account on

Confirm that your SAM registration is current and verify your access to If you have not already done so, you will be required to create a user account to register and log in to SAM and is a secure sign in service used by the public to sign in to participating government agencies. Create and link your account now.

Step 3 Complete your application package

Follow the instructions outlined in the Notice of Funding Opportunity and in the instructions.

Step 4 Confirm receipt of your application package

It is your responsibility to confirm that and subsequently NEH have received your application. Check your application status. eGMS, NEH’s online grant management system, will send you an automatically generated email upon receipt of your proposal.