Videos of 2014 Digital Humanities Implementation Grantees

Thunder and Lighning, Camille Flammarion, 1905

Thunder and Lighning, Camille Flammarion, 1905
We are very happy to present, at long last, the videos from the 2014 Office of Digital Humanities Project Directors Meeting, which was held September 15, 2014 at the NEH's new home in the Constitution Center in Washington, DC. This meeting brought together the top researchers in the digital humanities from across the United States, who shared their projects in short, three-minute lightning round presentations. Enjoy these videos from project directors of NEH's Digital Humanities Implementation Grants.
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AIDS Quilt Touch: Empowering Communities to Share and Preserve Cultural Heritage through Digital Storytelling, Anne Balsamo, New School
ARCS: Archaeological Resource Cataloguing System, Jon Frey & Ethan Watrall, Michigan State University
“Archive What I See Now”: Bringing Institutional Web Archiving Tools to the Individual Researcher, Michele Weigle & Michael Nelson, Old Dominion University Research Foundation
Pop Up Archive: Saving culturally significant audio through preservation, searchability, and distribution, Anne Wootton, PRX, Inc.
Berkeley Prosopography Services: Implementing the Tool Kit, Laurie Pearce, University of California, Berkeley
Exploring the Billions and Billions of Words in the HathiTrust Corpus with Bookworm, J. Stephen Downie, University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
The VSim Project Repository and Archive: Interface software and online repository and archive to facilitate distribution and educational use of 3D, Lisa Snyder, University of California, Los Angeles