Videos of 2011 Digital Humanities Start-Up Grantees

We're happy to say that we now have videos from the annual Office of Digital Humanities Project Directors Meeting, held September 27, 2011 at the Old Post Office in Washington, DC. This meeting brought together top researchers in the digital humanities from across the United States.
In these videos below, watch the directors of NEH's Digital Humanities Start-Up Grants give short, two-minute presentations on their projects.
Click any link below to go directly to the video.
Alexandria Archive InstituteGazetteer of the Ancient Near East
Cleveland State UniversityMobile Historical
College of Physicians of PhiladelphiaPlanning for an Innovative Partnership: the Medical Heritage Digital Collaborative
CUNY Research Foundation, City CollegeSpanish Paleography Digital Teaching and Learning Tool
Dartmouth CollegeACTION (Audio-visual Cinematic Toolbox for Interaction, Organization, and Navigation): an open-source Python platform
Florida State UniversityPopulating Prosop, A Social Networking Tool for the Past: Two Workshops
Fordham UniversityCompatible Database Initiative: Fostering Interoperable Data for Network Mapping and Visualization
Indiana University, BloomingtonIncorporating Annotated Video into Omeka
Indiana University, IndianapolisAn Open-Source Scholarly Text-Editing Platform for the Critical Editions in the Institute for American Thought
Internet ArchiveLinked Open Data in Libraries, Archives, and Museums Summit
Ithaca CollegeUntangling the Web of Historical Thinking: What the Structures of Student-Produced Wikis Reveal
Ithaka Harbors, Inc.Campus Services to Support Historians
Mangalam Research Center for Buddhist LanguagesBuddhist Translators Workbench (BTW)
MediaActionRural Alaska Cultural Media Project
Michigan State UniversityDigging Digitally: Creating a More Dynamic Archaeological Field Journal Archive
Milwaukee Public MuseumProposing Holograms as an Innovative Exhibition Technology for Egyptian Mummies
Minneapolis Society of Fine ArtsEnhancing the Humanities Through Innovation: The Extended Collection Project
Museum of the City of New YorkImproving Digital Record Annotation Capabilities with Open-sourced Ontologies and Crowd-sourced Workers
New York Public LibraryWhat's on the Menu: Crowdsourcing Culinary History at The New York Public Library
New York Public LibraryMOVER [a Multimodal Open-Source Variorum eBook Reader]
North Carolina State UniversityNew Methods of Documenting the Past: Recreating Public Preaching at Paul's Cross, London, in the Post-Reformation Period
Ohio State University, Main CampusMeeting the Earthworks Builders: A flash-based video game
Reed CollegeEnhancing Dance Literacy: Dance Notation Through Touch Technology
Stockton CollegeA Digital Role-Playing Game for the History of Medicine
Stone Soup Productions, Inc.The American Guide Game
SUNY Research Foundation, College at PurchaseCreative Telecollaboration and Language Acquisition Curriculum
Texas A & M University, CommerceRemixing Rural Texas: Local Texts, Global Context
Tulane UniversityMediaNOLA: Making the History of New Orleans Cultural Production Part of the Present
University of California, BerkeleyWordseer: A Text Analysis Tool for Examining Stylistic Similarities in Narrative Collections
University of California, Los AngelesImmersive Coordinates: Digital Anatolia
University of Central Florida, OrlandoThe Central Florida Mosaic Interface - Stage II
University of FloridaDigital Epigraphy Toolbox
University of HoustonVwire: Digital Content Management through Spatial Arrangement - a Tool for Visual Argumentation in the Humanities
University of Illinois at ChicagoCoCensus: Collaboration Exploration of Census Data in a Museum
University of Illinois, Urbana-ChampaignRe-Framing the Online Video Archive: A Prototype Interface for America’s Nuclear Test Films
University of North Carolina, Chapel HillGnovis: Flowing Through the Galaxy of Knowledge
University of South Carolina Research FoundationHistory Simulation for Teaching Early Modern British History
University of Southern CaliforniaDesign of an Interactive Tabletop Device for Humanities Exhibitions
University of Southern California and Bryn Mawr CollegeMobile Shakespeare Scripts
University of Texas, AustinBibliopedia
University of WashingtonThe Svoboda Diaries Project: From Digital Text to “New Book”
University of WashingtonAdvancing Information Design for Architectural Image Interfaces
Wake Forest UniversityACTIV-ES: a novel Spanish-language corpus for linguistic and cultural comparisons between communities of the Hispanic world
Washington State UniversityFort Vancouver Mobile
Weber State UniversityConcentration in the Humanities
Wheaton CollegeEncoding Financial Records for Historical Research
Wheaton College and University of VirginiaDeveloping a User Experience for TAPAS (the TEI Archiving, Publishing, and Access Service)
Yale UniversityPhotogrammar Project