José Luis Bermúdez Received a Collaborative Research Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities

(September 29, 2019)

Dr José Luis Bermúdez, Professor of Philosophy and Samuel Rhea Gammon Professor of Liberal Arts, received a Collaborative Research Grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities, together with Dr. Catherine Conybeare, Professor of Classics and Leslie Clark Professor in the Humanities at Bryn Mawr College. The award of $48,000 is to support an interdisciplinary workshop on the theme ‘Reconsidering the Sources of the Self in the Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Periods. The workshop will feature invited scholars from the US and UK in the fields of Classics, Philosophy, Comparative Literature, History, and Theology and will be held in College Station on 3-5 April, 2020.

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