
NEH Awards Numerous Digital Humanities Grants

February 5, 2008


In December, the NEH awarded the following digital humanities grants. As you will see below, these came from a variety of different grant programs from across the NEH. Congratulations to all the awardees!

Note that this list of digital humanities-related grants was culled from a larger list of 260 grants announced on December 20, 2007.


Title: The Dynamic Lexicon: Cyberinfrastructure and the Automatic Analysis of Historical Languages
Award Amount: $285,000
Institution: Tufts University
Project Director: Gregory Crane
To Support: Research on methods to generate a dynamic lexicon for a text corpus in a digital library. Using Greek and Latin texts, the project would investigate processes to enumerate possible senses for the words being defined and provide detailed syntactic information and statistical data about their use in a corpus.

Title: Text Mining and Analysis Tools for Historical Research
Award Amount: $300,000
Institution: George Mason University
Project Director: Daniel Cohen
To Support: Research, development, and testing of tools designed to locate documents in large digital corpora, extract information, and analyze large scale patterns across texts.

Title: A Machine Aided Back of the Book Indexing System
Award Amount: $131,465
Institution: Duquesne University
Project Director: Patrick Juola
To Support: Development and evaluation of a prototype system for helping indexers, including authors and publishers, produce traditional back of the book indexes.


Title: The Center for the History and New Media: A Proposal for the NEH Challenge Grant Program
Award Amount (matching funds): $750,000
Institution: George Mason University
Project Director: Jack Censer
To Support: Endowment for partial salaries for a digital historian, a web designer, a computer programmer, two graduate research assistants, as well as software and equipment acquisitions.


Title: Recent History of the Pushtun Tribes in Afghanistan and Pakistan: An Annotated Multimedia Narrative and Guide
Award Amount: $54,400
Project Director: Alexander Nakhimovsky
Institution: Colgate University

Title: A Medical History of Brazil's Era of Epidemics, 1849 1910
Award Amount: $75,400
Project Director: Ian Olivo Read
Institution: Unaffiliated Independent Scholar

Title: An Interactive Digital Collection on Early Movie Culture in the American South
Award Amount: $62,800
Project Director: Robert Allen
Institution: University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Title: Noesis: A Search Engine and Index for Academic Philosophy Across Disciplines
Award Amount: $75,400
Project Director: Anthony Beavers
Institution: University of Evansville

Title: Herman Melville's Marginalia Online
Award Amount: $43,900
Project Director: Peter Norberg
Institution: St. Joseph's University

Title: "The Siege of Jerusalem," 14th Century English Poem: A Critical Edition and Electronic Archive of Textual Transcriptions
Award Amount: $75,400
Project Director: Timothy Stinson
Institution: Johns Hopkins University

Title: Accessing and Presenting Open Source Cultural Heritage Collections
Award Amount: $75,400
Project Director: Eric Kansa
Institution: Alexandria Archive Institute