
Information on the ODH and Covid-19

March 30, 2020

Dear Friends, 

We are writing during unprecedented times. We know that many of you are dealing with disruptions in all aspects of your lives. Our thoughts are first and foremost with you, our friends and colleagues and collaborators, and with your families and your communities.  

As we all adjust to the work of research and teaching during a pandemic, we know that many of you will  have questions about how coronavirus-related closures and disruptions will impact both your current research and future funding. We want to assure you that our office remains open. We are following events closely and we are here (virtually) to answer your questions and provide support. 

If you are an applicant, please know that we do not currently have plans to change our grant programs or timelines. You can learn more in the agency-wide FAQs. We remain available to discuss your project proposals by email or virtual meetings.  

If you are a current grantee, we know that you may be facing changes that may impact the timeline, scope, and budget of your project. The NEH is working to be flexible in response to your changing needs. Please review our agency-wide FAQs for detailed information about project changes, including information about cancelling events, requesting extensions, and rebudgeting. 

We are here to support you. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your program officer through eGMS Reach. 

We wish you all calm and good health. 

- Brett, Jen, Elizabeth, Sheila, and Hannah. Spring 2020